Production and Distribution of 100,000 Test Kits
Indonesia PASTI BISA raised IDR 10,067,521,138 from 2,101 individual donors and corporate partners. The funds have been use to produced and distributed 100,020 RT-PCR test kits to 19 provinces in Indonesia. The prototype became the basis of most of test-kits used in Indonesia, called Bio-CoV19.

Thank You
Thank you all donors, volunteers, and partners for joining our campaign supporting genetic research and providing 100.000 RT-PCR test kits in a fight against COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Corporate Donors


Top 15 Donors
In such a short time, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all parts of life in Indonesia. The number of cases and casualties continue to grow, the economy is stalling, and social interaction is forced to stop. Some of Indonesia’s largest hurdles are related to the limitations of medical facilities and the availability of test kits.
From Indonesians for Indonesia
A group of the nation’s top scientists and engineers is working together under Indonesia Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) to fight against COVID-19.
Among them is a deep-tech genomics startup, Nusantics. Armed with extensive team experience in producing medical kits and genetic research, Nusantics has been invited to join forces in two research and development initiatives.